Friday, January 23, 2015

Properties of Fibres(TE-221) Syllabus

Department of Textile Engineering

Subject: Properties of Fibres (TE-221)

Course Code
L=3  T=1   P=0
Name of the course
Properties of Fibres
Lectures to be delivered
52 (1 Hr Each )(L=39,T=13 for each semester)
Semester End Examination
Max.Time: 3hrs
Max Marks :100
Min Marks :40
Continuous assessment (based on sessional tests 50%, Tutorials /Assignments 30%, quiz /Seminar 10%, Attendance 10%)
Max Marks :50

  1. The question paper will consist of five sections A, B, C, D and E. Section E will be Compulsory, it will consist of a single question with 10-20 subparts of short answer type, which will cover the entire syllabus and will carry 20% of the total marks of the semester end examination for the course. Section A, B, C and D will have two questions from the respective sections of the syllabus and each question will carry 20% of the total marks of the semester end examination for the course.

  1. Candidates are required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from each of the section A, B, C and D of the question paper and all the subparts of the questions in section E. Use of non-programmable calculators are allowed.


Fiber structure: Traditional view of fibre structure. Chemical structure and physical structure. Degree of order and degree of orientation.
Structure investigation: Methods of investigation of fibre structure.  Identification of chemical structure by IR spectroscopy. Identification of physical structure by X-ray, SEM, NMR.


Moisture absorption: Definitions of humidity, moisture regain and moisture content. Relation between regain and relative humidity. Effect of stress and temperature on regain. Heat of sorption. Swelling of fibres. Quantitative theory of   moisture   absorption.
Fibre friction:  Technological importance. Measurement of friction. Effect of load and area of contact. Static and kinetic friction.General theory of friction and application to fiber.              


Tensile properties: Factors influencing results of tensile experiment. Expressing results. Different experimental methods. Effect of variability.  Elastic recovery. Effect of test conditions on recovery. Cyclic testing. Fibre  fracture and fatigue.  Time effect. Creep and stress relaxation. Introduction to dynamic testing and fatigue. Concept of models. Kelvin and Maxwell model. Bending and torsional   rigidity   of fibre. Structural effect on extension behaviour.
Dielectric properties:  Definition and effect of different parameters on dielectric properties.
Electric resistance and effect of different factors on the electrical resistance of fibres.


Static electricity: Introduction and significance. Measurement of static electricity. Explanation of static phenomena.
Optical   properties: Refractive index and birefringence. Birefringence and orientation of fiber. Reflection and lustre.
Thermal properties: Structural changes on heating. Thermal transitions. Concept Heat setting of fibres.



1.      Meredith R, “The Mechanical Properties of Textile Fibres”, North Holland Publishing Co; Amsterdam (1959)
2.      Morton W E and Hearle J W S, “Physical Properties of Textile Fibres”, 1st reprint, The Textile Institute, Manchester (1993)


1.                  Gupta V B and Kothari V K, “Manufactured Fibre Technology”, 1st Ed., Chapman and Hall, London (1997).
2.                  Hearle J W S, “Polymers and their properties”, Vol. I, John Wiley and Sons, NY (1982).
3.                  Gedde U W, “Polymer Physics”, Chapman Hall, London (1995).

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